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Relevant Research

Recruitment and Selection

Antonie, L., Gatto L., & Miana Plesca (2023). Personality Characteristics Demanded by Employers: Analysis of Job Descriptions from University Job Boards, (Big Data in Labor Market Research) of Research in Labor Economics (RLE), Volume 52

Patel, R. (2023). The Effects of Probing in Asynchronous Video Interviews (Master’s Thesis, University of Guelph).

Ho, J. L., Mastrella, S. J., & Powell, D. M. (2023). The effect of interviewer job expertise and risk-related traits on opportunity to fake. Journal of Personnel Psychology. Advance online publication.

Mastrella, S. J., Powell, D. M., Bonaccio, S., & McMurtry, C. M. (2023). The impact of   interviewees’ anxious nonverbal behavior on interview performance ratings. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 22(2), 99–110.

Teja, H., Powell, D. M., Son Hing, L. S., & Hausdorf, P. A. (2022). Using structured interview ratings to mitigate gender differences in the success of self-promotion tactics. Registered report in Journal of Personnel Psychology.

Risavy, S. D., & Hausdorf, P. A. (2011). Personality testing in personnel selection: Adverse impact and differential hiring rates. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 19, 18-30.

Chung-Yan, G., Cronshaw, S. F., & Hausdorf, P. A. (2005). A criterion-related validation study of transit operators. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 13, 172-177.

Hausdorf, P. A., LeBlanc, M. M., & Chawla, A. (2003). Cognitive ability testing and employment selection: Does test content relate to adverse impact? Applied H.R.M. Research, 7, 41-48.


Michel, A. & González-Morales, M.G. (2013) Reactions to organizational change: An integrated model of health predictors, intervening variables and outcomes. In S. Oreg, R. Todnem By, A. Michel (Eds.) The Psychology of Organizational Change: Viewing Change from the Employee’s Perspective (pp. 65-91). Cambridge University Press.

Eisenberger, R., Karagonlar, G., Stinglhamber, F., Neves, P., Becker, T. E., Gonzalez-Morales, M. G., & Steiger-Mueller, M. (2010). Leader–member exchange and affective organizational commitment: The contribution of supervisor’s organizational embodiment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95, 1085-1103. Special Section: Leadership

Hausdorf, P. A., & Zugec, L. (2006). Designing effective leader assessment/feedback systems: Integrating organizational culture, stages of change and goal setting. CSL Leadership Review, 1, 1-27.

Performance Management

Hausdorf, P. A., Risavy, S. D., & Hunter, P. E. (2014). Effective HR project execution: Understanding project, team, and stakeholder issues. In R. Klimoski, B. Dugan, C. Messikomer, & F. Chiocchio, (Eds.), Advancing human resource project management. (pp. 206 – 237). SIOP Professional Series. Jossey-Bass. ISBN: 978-1-118-45803-7

Spence, J. R., & Baratta, P. L. (In press). Designing feedback for performance improvement. In K. Kraiger, J. Passmore, S. Malvezze, & N. Rebelo do Santos (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell-Handbook of the Psychology of Training, Development and Performance Improvement.

Survey Design and Measurement

González-Morales, M. G., Tetrick, L. E., & Ginter, R. (2013). Measurement issues in work-family research. In R. R. Sinclair, M. Wang, L. E. Tetrick (Eds). Research methods in occupational health psychology: Measurement, design, and data analysis (pp. 31-47). New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.

Hausdorf, P. A., Risavy, S. D., & Stanley, D. J. (2011). Interpreting organizational survey results: A critical application of self-serving bias. Organization Management Journal, 8, 71-85.

Work-Life Balance

Son Hing, L., Lee, R. S., Gnanakumaran, V., Weiss, S., Lero, D. S., Hausdorf, P. A., & Daneman, D. (2021). Inspired but tired: A qualitative investigation of medical faculty’s work-life conflict and work-life facilitation. Frontiers in Psychology. 12:609639.

Warner, M., & Hausdorf, P. A. (2009). Understanding work-to-family conflict: The role of organization and supervisor support for work-life issues. Organization Management Journal, 6, 130-145. (Rated as one of the top ten articles in OMJ for 2009/2010.)

Work Stress and Emotions

O’Shea, D., Hoppe, A., Michel, A., González-Morales, M.G., Steidle, A. (2022) Positive Psychology Interventions and Employee Wellbeing: When and for whom are they effective? In A. Kinder, R. Hughes & C. Cooper. Occupational Health and Wellbeing.  ‘Current Issues in Work & Organizational Psychology’ Series (pp. 150-165).Taylor and Francis. 

Ewles, G. B., Hausdorf, P. A., Beehr, T. A., González-Morales, M. G. (2021). Severing the Trauma-PTSD connection with first responders: The role of personal social support networks. In R. Ricciardelli, S. Bornstein, A. Hall, & R. N. Carleton (Eds.), Handbook of post-traumatic stress: Biological, psychosocial, and cultural perspectives. Taylor & Francis Group.

Pitel, M. C., Hausdorf, P. A., Ewles, G. B. & Heffren, C. D. J. (2020). Post Traumatic effects in policing: Exploring disclosure, coping and social support. Police Practice and Research: An International Journal, 308 – 323. 

Patterson, A., Chris, A., González-Morales, M. G., (2017) Workplace Incivility: A Critical Review and Agenda for Research and Practice. In C. Cooper and M. Leiter (Eds.) The Routledge Companion to Wellbeing at Work (pp. 150-168). ISBN: 9781315665979.

González-Morales, M. G., Peiró, J. M, & Rodríguez, I. (2010). A longitudinal study of coping and gender in a female-dominated occupation: Predicting teachers’ burnout. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 15, 29-44.

González-Morales, M. G., Peiró, J. M, Rodríguez, I., Bliese, P. D. (2012). Perceived collective burnout: A multilevel explanation of burnout. Anxiety, Stress and Coping25, 43-61.

González-Morales, M. G., Peiró, J. M, Rodríguez, I., & Greenglass, E. R (2006). Stressors, coping and distress: the role of gender in work stress. International Journal of Stress Management, 13, 228-248.

Leiter, M. P., Nicholson, R., Patterson, A., & Laschinger, H.K.S. (2011). Workplace relationships as demands and resources: A model of burnout and work engagement. Ciencia & Trabajo Journal, 13, 143-151.

Leiter, M. P. & Patterson, A. (2014). Respectful workplaces. In A. Day, E. K. Kelloway, & J. J. Hurrell Jr. (Eds.), Workplace well-being: How to build psychologically healthy workplaces (pp. 205-225). Wiley-Blackwell.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity

Jackson, D., Dollinger, M., Gatto, L., Drewery, D., Ajjawi, R., & Fannon, A. M. (2024). Work-integrated learning for students with disabilities: time for meaningful change. Higher Education Research & Development, 1-9.

Sakr, N., Son Hing, L. S., & González-Morales, M. G. (2023). Development and validation of the marginalized-group-focused diversity climate scale: Group differences and outcomes. Journal of Business and Psychology.

Son Hing, L. S., Sakr, N., Sorenson, J. B., Stamarski, C. S., Caniera, K., & Colaco, C. (2023). Gender inequities in the workplace: A holistic review of organizational processes and practices. Human Resource Management Review, 33(3), 1–25.

Dotzler, C., González-Morales, M. G. (2022). A Gendered Multi-level Model of STEM Entrepreneurship. In B. Owalla, T. Vorley, H. Lawton Smith (Eds.), Gender, Diversity and Innovation: Concepts, policies and practice (pp. 29-45). London: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Gatto, L. E., Pearce, H., Plesca, M., & Antonie, L. (2021). Students with Disabilities: Relationship between Participation Rates and Perceptions of Work-Integrated Learning by Disability Type. International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning, 22(3), 287-306.

Furlano, R., Darr, W., Goodrich, S., Gibbard, K., Ho, J. L., Wang, Z., Pike, M. D., Provencher, Y., Zhang, I. Y., Vreeker-Williamson, E. C., & Hausdorf, P. A. (2021). Determining the appropriateness of extended time accommodations in standardized cognitive ability testing. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science / Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 53(2), 152–163.

Antonie, L., Gatto, L., & Plesca, M. (2020). Full-time and part-time work and the gender wage gap. Atlantic Economic Journal, 48(3), 313-326.

Luta, D., Pogrebtsova, E., & Hausdorf, P. A. (2020). Selection of gender-incongruent applicants: No gender bias with structured interviews. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 28(1), 117 – 121. 

Hausdorf, P. A., & Robie, C. (2019). Understanding subgroup differences with general mental ability tests in employment selection: Exploring socio-cultural factors across inter-generational groups. International Journal of Selection and Assessment

Gallagher-Louisy, C., Sasso, T., & Armenio, L. (July 16, 2015). “Employee resource groups: Toolkit for diversity and inclusion practitioners” The Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion, Toronto, ON.

Sasso, T., & Ellard-Grey, A. (May 20, 2015).“In & Out: Diverging Perspectives on LGBT Inclusion in the Workplace” In partnership with the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion & Pride at Work Canada, Toronto, ON. 

Stamarski, C. S., & Son Hing, L. S. (2015). Gender inequalities in the workplace: The effects of organizational structures, processes, practices, and decision makers’ sexism. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, Article 1400

Trust and Belonging

De Jong, B., Lee, A., Gill, H., & Zheng, J. X. (in press). Felt Trust: Added Baggage or Added Value? A Critical Review, Constructive Redirection, and Exploratory Meta-Analysis. Manuscript accepted by the Journal of Organizational Behavior.

Gill, H., Vreeker-Williamson, E., Son Hing, L., Cassidy, S. A., & Boies, K., (2024). Relation between Trust Attitudes and Behavioural Intentions to Trust, Journal of Business and Psychology.

Gill, H., Cassidy, S. A., Cragg, C., Algate, P., Woeller, C., & Finegan, J., E. (2019). Beyond reciprocity: The role of empowerment in understanding felt trust. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology

Hanna, J., Elms, A., Gill, H., Stanley, D., & Powell, D. (2019). The effect of leader risk-taking on subordinate felt trust. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 40 (2), 163-176.

Boies, K., Fiset, J., & Gill, H. (2015). Communication and trust are key: Unlocking the relationship between leadership and team performance and creativity. The Leadership Quarterly, 26, 1080-1094.

Knoll, D. & Gill, H. (2011). Development of Interpersonal Trust within the Workplace: The Relative Importance of Ability, Benevolence, and Integrity in Supervisor, Subordinate, and Peer Trust.  Journal of Managerial Psychology, 26, 313-330. 

Gill, H., Boies, K., Finegan, J. E., & McNally, J. (2005). Antecedents of trust: Establishing the boundary for the relation between propensity to trust and trust.  Journal of Business and Psychology, 19(3), 287-302.